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Gernot Reichling appointed as new managing director

At the shareholders' meeting on March 27, 2018, Mr. Gernot Reichling was appointed as the new managing director of PBS Software GmbH.

Gernot Reichling completed his studies in computer science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. After his master's thesis at SAP SE and the successful completion of his "Master of Science" degree, he joined the software development department at PBS Software GmbH in 2013. The focus of his development work was initially the adaptation of the PBS software solution NAI (PBS Nearline Storage solution) to the market requirements in the retail sector. In addition, Mr. Reichling specialized in new mobile applications and technologies. In 2015, Gernot Reichling moved to the management of PBS Software GmbH.
Since then, his focus has included the strategic alignment of PBS Software GmbH with new technological requirements and the expansion of the PBS product portfolio.

As the successor of the company founder Günther Reichling (✝ 06.02.2018), Mr. Gernot Reichling will continue to successfully steer PBS Software GmbH into the future with his appointment as Managing Director and, in doing so, continue the previous basic principle of being a reliable and competent partner in the SAP environment for all customers and partners.


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