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BW Database Analyzer: Check of the capacity commitment

The PBS BW Database Analyzer is a tool that enables you to check InfoProviders (InfoCubes, DataStore objects) and PSA tables regarding their size in the database and in the Data Dictionary, and supports you when making the decision whether archiving is required.

The PBS BW Analyzer comprises the following functions:

  • It analyzes the BasisCubes which are available in the system and additionally the AggregateCubes assigned to the InfoCubes. You can choose whether to take into account the fact tables or additionally all dimension tables of the InfoCubes.

  • All relevant tables of existing ODS/DSO objects are analyzed, in addition to the active data also the activation queue and the change log.

  • All PSA tables in the system are checked, whereby the versioning of tables is also taken into account. You can choose whether just active versions (within the validity period) or all PSA table versions should be taken into consideration.

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  • PBS Software Americas, Inc.